From stress management tips to enhancing staff appreciation, Dr. Deitrick can help your company or group (In-person or Virtually) by enabling your team to perform and feel their best both professionally and personally. This can also include Lunch and Learn sessions.
Examples of topics include:
- How to retain your top talent
- How to better manage the stresses of work
- Maintain your calm and health at work during Covid-19
- Top ways to communicate with your team
- Top ways to treat your employees well
- Strategies to implement for better relaxation
- Personal evaluation of work and life stressors
- Benefits and instructions on making personal work
space more “Zen” - Improving personal health and work performanceTopics may be adapted to your specific needs!
Click here to schedule a time to find out more.
Coming soon!
Dr. Deitrick will hold LIVE workshops/seminars for individuals in a small group setting who want to learn how to get a hold of how they handle the stresses of work, while improving personal health and work performance. These meeting are informative, fun and yes, relaxing!!
Check back for details.

Dr. Deitrick will come to your small business and evaluate your current employee wellness program. She will add suggestions for improvement.
If you don’t have an employee wellness program, no problem! Dr. Deitrick and her team will evaluate your current employee needs and help you to establish one.
Click here to learn more.
Relax Well!