What do I mean by rekindle your Calm-charm? Do you know what a Calm-charm is? Did you know that you already have one? Everybody has one. Maybe you just forgot about it.
A Calm-charm is something, someplace, or someone that will totally calm you down when you look at, think of, smell or touch it. A Calm-charm almost immediately brings you to a place of inner peace, tranquility and joy.
When used, it is one method to bring more positive energy into your life. It will relax you. A Calm-charm will help you let go of the stress and bring in the calm.
Your Calm-charm is great to incorporate into your “work-stress” action plan.
To share:
One of my Calm- charms is looking at or being around puppies. They represent happiness and unconditional love. I remember my dearly departed dog. I got her when she was 6 weeks old and she passed at age 15. We were best friends. She brought me so much joy and will remain in my heart forever.
Another one of mine is water. When I hear running water, see a body of water, lay in a bath tub, float in swimming pool, take a shower… you name it, if it has to do with water, it calms me down. When I was a child I would get into trouble when I would leave the faucet running. That is a bad habit I carried into adulthood. I even have a desk top fountain in my office at work. When I look at it, it calms me down.
As you go through your work week as well as your life’s experiences, I encourage you to rekindle your Calm- charm. Maybe you don’t think you have one, but you do. If you really don’t have one, find one. It’s something that you know when you use it, it will bring your stress level way down as it fills you will calm and joy. You might have more than one, but you only need one. Thank you.
Log onto Facebook and request to join my closed group: The Relaxation Room with Dr. Deitrick. Become a “Zenie” and share what your Calm- charm is.
I am Dr. Deitrick L. Gorman, your board-certified Family Practice Physician and I help individuals who are stressed at work learn to relax and refocus in order to have a more healthy, productive and full-filled live.
Relax Well!
Dr. Deitrick