The seventh thing. At lunchtime, see if you can bring your favorite light lunch. When you eat a good meal, you feel good. Treat one of your coworkers out to lunch or make it a group lunch. Have lunch with your spouse, family member, or out-of-work friend. Be with someone you can talk with at lunchtime, have a good time, and relax. If you’re not able to do that, just go for a nice walk, get some fresh air, do some deep breathing. Listen to nice music.
Number eight. Do something for others. This is a big one. Doesn’t it feel good to receive flowers at work? Do that for someone else. Let a co- worker know they’re doing a great job. Send an anonymous note, a sticky note to someone that they’re doing a great job, that you appreciate that they’re there. Keep it simple and non-suggestive. This kind gesture not only uplifts you and it uplifts your coworkers. Doing for others, that’s a great suggestion.
Number nine. Work at the best of your ability do the best of your ability. If you’re trained to do a job, just do it to the best of your ability. If you’re stuck, ask for help, but just rest assured that you know you’re doing your best. Don’t mind what other people are going to say about you, people are always going to say something about any and everything you do. Just know, if you’re doing your best at work, that’s all that should really matter. But you don’t have to worry about that, just worry about yourself. Don’t add to the drama at work. Do your job; do it with a smile on your face, have a positive attitude, and then just keep it moving.
Number ten, for me, this is the most important suggestion. It is …. Relax. Just relax. When you find yourself at work, getting frustrated at your coworkers, at your boss or, even at yourself, just stop. Take a few moments of your time to get yourself together. Breathe. Take deep controlled breaths. If you are unable to deep breathe in your immediate setting, excuse yourself and go to the restroom. It literally takes a minute or two to collect your thoughts, do some deep breathing and calm your mind. When you are done, you will emerge, calmer, more focused and readier to get back to work!
In summary, here are ten suggestions to help you have a great work week.
- Leave sticky note to yourself the night before
- Get restful sleep
- Wake up with gratitude
- Wake up early to exercise, pray or meditate
- Listen to music on your way to work
- Walk into work with a good attitude
- Have a great lunch with self or others
- Do something for others
- Do you best
- Relax
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I am Dr. Deitrick L. Gorman, your board-certified Family Practice Physician and I help individuals who are stressed at work learn to relax and refocus in order to have a more healthy, productive and full-filled live.
Relax Well!
Dr. Deitrick