Relax and Be Grateful for your Failures and Rejections
What do I mean by relax and be grateful for your failures and rejections? Have you ever failed at something? Been rejected? Well of course you have. I know I have.
Things don’t always go as planned.
When this happens, how do you react?
At work, how do you feel when you don’t get the promotion or the project you wanted? Or maybe you were let go?
Yes, of course it’s going to hurt. You may be embarrassed, mad, shocked – experience your emotions.
After your anger, hurt, etc. subsides, you have a choices to make. Do you continue with your emotions, get upset, talk bad about everything – resort to poor coping mechanisms? Or do you take a deep breath, slow things down and think about things?
Ask yourself, “Do I have an opportunity to do something different. Is this just the blessing I needed to push me to go back to school or start my business, develop my passion?”
You remember in school when you may have failed or received a low grade on an important test? I know I have.
To gain acceptance into medical school you’re required to take the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test). The first time I took the test, I received a low score. My feelings were hurt but I wanted to be a doctor. I took the test again and once more received a low score.
A close friend suggested that maybe I shouldn’t become a doctor. That really hurt. Even my college counselor mentioned that maybe I should pursue something else. But I knew I wanted to be a doctor.
Long story, short – I earned a competitive, passing score on my 7th attempt.
Once I entered medical school, I did fine on the exams and boards. If I let my MCAT failures stop me, I wouldn’t be a physician today.
I’ve also learned that failure or rejection in a relationship can also lead to something better. Years ago, I had just started to date someone and thought things were going well only to have him break up with me. I decided to look at this as a lesson and moved on. I ended up meeting my honey, Kasaly, who’s incredibly kind, funny, and full of love. The relationship has been a complete blessing.
I believe that people and situations in your life happen for a reason. They are teaching moments for all of us. Rejections are turning points and character building opportunities.
When you are dismissed by others, DO not to dismiss yourself.
Make your way, pave your road. The road may not be a straight line to your goal but relish the curves and the bumps and the journey because you’ve got this.
Be grateful that you are learning valuable lessons and getting to know yourself. You’re being released from situations or people that are of not going to uplift you. Just be grateful.