When you were born, there has never been anyone else like you. You are totally unique! You were born with a unique gift to share.
It’s important that you learn to love yourself and celebrate your uniqueness. This will enable you to discover your special gift that you can share with others. Remember – you are awesome!
I encourage you to take a moment and write yourself a letter. Describe what’s going on in your life, what and how you’re feeling and what you hope to accomplish over the next few weeks, few months or the next year – whichever timeframe feels right to you. When you’re finished writing, put it in an envelope, seal it and mark on the front when you should open it. You’ll enjoy the chance to review this information and celebrate your progress when you read your letter down the road.
I also suggest journaling. My Grateful and Ready Journal: A Reflective Journal to Fuel Your Soul enables you to document what you’re grateful for each day and focus on areas of your life that you can celebrate. It’s a great way to set your goals, acknowledge your growth and reflect on important aspects of your life. Remember – you are unique and have special gifts to share. Thank you for being you!