
As more companies are opening up, we all need to do our part to decrease the risk for spreading Coronavirus at work. There are many avenues to spread disease and we may not be able to successfully eliminate all possibilities, but we can focus on staying safe.

I want to share with you 10 ways you can do your part to decrease contracting AND spreading COVID-10 virus or any contagious disease in the work setting.


  1. Wash your hands
  • You want to lather your hands with soapy water warm or cool and wash for 20-30 seconds, then dry with a clean towel.
  • Sing the happy birthday song twice to gauge your time.
  • Turn the faucet off with towel
  • If you can turn the water off until its time to rinse to conserve water.
  • Remember to pay attention to cleaning under the fingernails as well.


  1. Avoid touching mucus membranes
  • What are mucus membranes? It’s a layer of special cells that lines parts of the body that come in contact with the air. Mucus membranes are usually moist because the cells that line them have glands that secrete mucus.
  • Mucus membranes that are exposed at work are


-Nasal passages

-Mouth and throat

– Touching these areas with infected hands can help transmit disease directly into your body.


  1. Practice mindful bathroom etiquette
  • You don’t know when the last time the restroom was cleaned, so you need to protect yourself.
  • If possible, use a disinfectant wipe to wipe the toilet handle AND seat, then dry it before you use (hopefully the flush cycle is motion activated)
  • Use those paper protectors on the toilet seat, if available, before you sit down.
  • Wash your hands and then dry with clean towel or air dryer
  • When you leave the restroom, open the door with paper towel you used or use side of your shirt


  1. Practice Mindful Breakroom etiquette
  • As much as possible distance yourself from co worker
  • Eat your lunch or take your break in your personal space or go to your car
  • Be aware that many people may use things in this common area (i.e. microwave, refrigerator door handle, coffee pot handle)
  1. Stay at home, if you are sick,

Best not to spread infection, this is called self-quarantine.


  1. Pay attention to doorknobs and handles
  • YOU wipe them off
  1. Bring your lunch/Bring your coffee/snacks
  • You are controlling what you put into your system and you know how its prepared
  • you are sure that you have washed your hand, but you don’t know if your coworkers have.


  1. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze

– Throw the tissue paper away, do not use handkerchiefs



  1. Keep your workspace clean and neat
  • It makes it easy for you to clean and wipe down
  • Don’t let everyone in or near your workspace, especially anyone who appears to be ill


  1. Wipe your workspace down twice a day
  • When you first arrive
  • Before you go home


Stay safe!

Dr. Deitrick L. Gorman